Thursday, April 8, 2010

How can I show the invisible people on Yahoo?


Now a days Yahoo messenger is a famous messenger. Today I am talking about how can you show the invisible people of yahoo.
Many people use yahoo messenger for chat with another person. It is created by yahoo. You can be invisible by all of the people. If you select the status of invisible then no one can show you on online. They all show you offline. And you can not show the status of the people who is not in your contact list. But today I am saying about a software. For seeing any people status and details this software can be used. The name of this software is IChecker. A wonder joy that it is not needs to install. You can run it without installing this software. For download this software click here.
After download the software of ichecker open it. Then you can see the box of “Please Enter the Yahoo ID”. Give your wanted id there. Remember that this box is not for your id. Give the id of another person for see him/her original status. And click on the button of “Check”. After do it you can see his/her status.
Hope all can understand about it. If you fail in any problem please inform me. Thank you for see it.

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